Wider benefits of reducing stress

Finding good ways to deal with life's difficulties and stresses helps with more than just fighting infections.

It should help you feel more positive and support your well-being.

Our Healthy Paths Through Stress website ("Healthy Paths" for short), has been designed to help lower stress.

Healthy Paths is a big website full of lots of approaches to try. Don't worry about trying to take it all in at once. You can take your time to explore the website at your own pace.

All the approaches in Healthy Paths have been shown to help people feel better. It's okay if you find that some bits appeal more or work better for you than others. 

People say they find Healthy Paths interesting, helpful and easy to use.

You can use Healthy Paths at any time. Whether you are going through difficulties, or would like to learn useful ways to help yourself in the future. 

You might already do things to help with your stress - keep going with these if they help. Healthy Paths will give you extra tools to try that have been designed by experts in mental health.