Being more active

Sometimes when we keep getting infections, we feel like we should rest to look after ourselves.

Rest is useful while we are feeling really unwell.


A better way to look after yourself and fight off infections is to get more active when you are over the worst of it.

Being active helps protect us against getting infections by boosting our immune system. This means that if we do come into contact with a virus, our body will be better able to fight it.

Lots of scientific research shows being fit and active means being better at fighting illness.

In lab studies, scientists have found that people who are more active have fewer biological markers of infection. This means they have stronger immune systems that fight off infections more easily.  

In other studies, researchers have helped people to get more active by doing things like brisk walking. 

They compared those who did more activity to those who didn’t.

Those who got more active got fewer, shorter infections. Their symptoms were less severe, and they missed around half as many days of work!

Don’t worry, you don’t need to become really sporty and super fit to get the benefits.

Even small, gradual changes will really help your health.

It’s all about doing what you can do to get active!

This could be walking a little bit more, or doing some housework or gardening.

There is something for everyone!